- Create /bin folder in /home directory
- Go to /home/user directory
- Open terminal and type the following command
vim .bashrc
Note: You can open .bashrc file in any editor.
- Add the following line in .bashrc file
export PATH=$PATH:~/bin
- Save the changes in .bashrc file
- Go to ~/bin folder and create any file
Ex: touch uiautomatorviewer
Format : touch filename
- Open file and enter the following code
echo "Message";
- Save the file and change it to executable format
chmod +x filename
- Restart the terminal
- Now enter the filename in any directory
Enjoy !!!!!!!!
Regards and Thanks,
Gokul Karthik M
Software QA Engineer
Email : gokul.hotspot@gmail.com
Phone : +91 99441 70730
simple and useful post... please come up with more posts...