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Create UIAutomator Project Using Eclipse

Step 1 : Open Eclipse IDE

Step 2 : Go to 'File' -> 'New' -> 'Java project'

Step 3 : Add Project name and click 'Next'

Step 4 : Click 'Finish'

Step 5 : Expand your project and right click on src folder -> 'New' -> 'Class'

Step 6 : Enter 'Name' for class . Also mention 'Package' and then click 'Finish'

Step 7 : Right click on your project -> open ' Properties'

Step 8 : Go to 'Java Build Path

Step 9 : Open 'Library Section'

Step 10 : Click on 'Add External Jar' and navigate to 'android-SDK/platforms' and choose uiautomator.jar and android.jar file

Step 11 : Click on ' Add Library ' -> Select 'JUnit ' . Select JUnit 3. If you want to select JUnit 4. Then you need Java 5.

Step 12 : Click 'Next' -> then 'Finish' . Then 'OK'

Step 13 : Writing Script for Mobicip safe browser application using UIAutomator function .

Example Code : 

public class OpenMonitorApp extends UiAutomatorTestCase 
public void launchApp() throws UiObjectNotFoundException,InterruptedException
        UiObject appsButton = new UiObject(new UiSelector().description("Apps")) ;
        appsButton.clickAndWaitForNewWindow() ;
System.out.println("testcase execution completed");

Step 14 : In terminal go to android-SDK/tools/ directory. Then Enter the following commands

./android create uitest-project -n name of project -t target devices -p pathofeclipseproject

// -n -> Name of the jar file
Ex: xxx ( without .jar )

// -t -> To generate a list of system image targets , use this command
In terminal, enter the following commands

./android list targets

After type above line, it's shown available system images target and you have to choose which target you want .

// -p -> Its your path of eclipse project
Ex : /home/gokulkarthik/workspace/xxx

Step 15 : export ANDRIOD_HOME=/home/username/android-sdk-linux

Step 16 : Go to Project Directory

Step 17 : Type in terminal ' ant build ' which command generates xxx.jar file in /bin folder

Step 18 : adb push jarfilelocation /data/local/tmp/ 
                adb push jarfilelocation /sdcard/

// jarfilelocation -> workspace/projectname/bin/xxx.jar

Step 19 : adb shell uiautomator runtest xxxx.jar -c

// xxxx.jar -> Jar file name is enough. No need to enter the path for that Jar file. Becuase Jar file already pushed into the android system.

// -c -> Class

Ex : -c packagename.classname

        -c packagename.classname#methodname


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