If you are using latest version of Windows 10 in your system, you might have noticed couldn't create "Guest" account on it. Here is a workaround to fix this problem.
For reason unknown, Microsoft quietly removed Guest account from Windows 10 in middle of this year. So directly we can't create Guest user account in your system. Here are the steps to fix this problem
- Open "Command Prompt" as Administrator
- Enter "net user GuestAccountName /add /active:yes" to create a new account.
Note : You can replace "GuestAccountName" with whatever name you wish. But you should ensure change it in the following steps also.
- Enter "net user GuestAccountName *" to create password for this account.
Note : You can create blank password for this account when you have pressed "Enter" button at two times.
- Enter "net localgroup users GuestAccountName /delete" to remove GuestAccountName account from regular user group.
- Enter "net localgroup guests GuestAccountName /add" to add GuestAccountName account to Guest user group.
Now you have created new guest account in your system successfully. This guest account have same privileges as old guest account. Hopefully we will expect proper user interface to create guest account from Microsoft as soon as.
Please look the image below for more referral to workaround this problem
I hope this article should helpful for you !!. Please leave comments !!
For reason unknown, Microsoft quietly removed Guest account from Windows 10 in middle of this year. So directly we can't create Guest user account in your system. Here are the steps to fix this problem
- Open "Command Prompt" as Administrator
- Enter "net user GuestAccountName /add /active:yes" to create a new account.
Note : You can replace "GuestAccountName" with whatever name you wish. But you should ensure change it in the following steps also.
- Enter "net user GuestAccountName *" to create password for this account.
Note : You can create blank password for this account when you have pressed "Enter" button at two times.
- Enter "net localgroup users GuestAccountName /delete" to remove GuestAccountName account from regular user group.
- Enter "net localgroup guests GuestAccountName /add" to add GuestAccountName account to Guest user group.
Now you have created new guest account in your system successfully. This guest account have same privileges as old guest account. Hopefully we will expect proper user interface to create guest account from Microsoft as soon as.
Please look the image below for more referral to workaround this problem
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